Cyber Watch - What Do Rock Legend David Bowie, A Smart City and Cyborg Eye Implants Have in Common?
When the late David Bowie sang, “ch-ch-ch-ch-changes – turn and face the strange,” he certainly must’ve been having a premonition about...

Cyber Watch
…and that’s a wrap! As the week comes to a candy-filled, sugar-laden close, we take a look at what grabbed our attention in the world of...

Answering the Conference Call - Seeking Your Boss's Approval to Attend an IT Conference? Here
Introduction: Pitching a conference to your boss is like bringing a new girlfriend home to meet your parents. You know she has all of the...

Top 10 Signs You've Married an IT Professional
10.) Your spouse is bilingual. “Geek Speak” is spoken so fluently in your household that you contemplate publishing your own version of...

Poor Database Performance? Why Leasing a Data Caching System Can Provide Savings and Sanity
It's no secret that technology is the lifeline of most organizations and, without it working properly, critical systems can stop a...